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HomeDefending Democracy Fundraiser 2025

Thank you for your interest in our Defending Democracy fundraiser. We hope you will join us for this box lunch event with a short program.

Please consider making a donation if you can't attend.

Your donation to the League of Women Voters of Tacoma-Pierce County will support our civic education activities in the community.

Here's what your donation could do:

$500 Sponsor the TRY (They Represent You) Directory of Elected Officials
$390 Provide one classroom set of The State We're In textbook to a school
$100 Provide five civics textbooks, The State We're In, High School level, for students or library
$100 Provide five civics textbooks, The State We're In, Grades 3-5, for students or library 
$50 Cover the cost of printing 50 copies of They Represent You (TRY) Directory of Elected Officials
$20 Provide one civics textbook, The State We're In, Spanish version, for a student or library

or make your donation HERE